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Volunteer Management and Volunteering Barriers

Volunteer management, volunteer recruitment and volunteer recognition ideas.

Hi Everyone,

For those in volunteer management, volunteer recruitment and volunteer recognition – here’s another quick read idea for you on:


Over the coming weeks we’ll be taking a look at some of barriers that are put in place by organizations and groups that stop people volunteering when they actually want people to volunteer.

When you have been involved with an organization or group over a period of time you lose sight of the barriers that make volunteering for your organization or group more difficult.

We seem to put blinkers on or become so used to way everything is that they cannot see past this.


It is time to begin re-looking at those potential barriers with fresh eyes.

Are you actually falling short of your recruitment potential because you are unwittingly placing barriers in the way?

Take the time to identify and start removing any barriers to recruitment success. These barriers can include red tape, outdated procedures or negativity from other staff and volunteers.

Sometimes you are just too close to the situation in volunteer management to see these barriers. Barriers that actually work against your volunteer recruitment and volunteer retention efforts. So in some future posts we will be highlighting some more of these potential barriers for you.

This idea is adapted are from the best selling book Count Me in! 501 Ideas on Recruiting Volunteers.


Vision: the art of seeing things invisible – Jonathan Swift

Also from the book Count Me in! 501 Ideas on Recruiting Volunteers.



Dr Judy Esmond
An International Expert on Volunteering

P.S. If you would like two books on recruiting, retaining and recognizing volunteers you will find over 1000 ideas such as the idea above in my best selling books. Do get your own set of these books so you are not missing out on so many more great ideas. They are available now for those in volunteer management.

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